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and i'll never forget those memories.
2009年11月29日星期日 @ 22:47

Class Outing :D

this is Christabelle ; Huang Wen (:
i'm thinking that since the wild wild wet outing , we had not been meeting each other for soo long .
i wanna know tat anione cant make it if we are going to those place .
i had quit a number of place to go .
soo please vote for it [:
-east coast
-escape ($20 and above for under 12 years old )($25 and abovefor above 12 years old )
please bring $20 and above for under 12 years old and $25 and abovefor above 12 years old
anything you wanna ask can tag in the tag box or msg/call mii personaly @ 90836576

2009年11月26日星期四 @ 22:49

Heys! WOW, Nong time never post hehs?
Dont even know if people still read this blog :P,
SO, You all get your results already huhs?
I hate my stupid stinking results D:
Hhehehee, thinking of going
Pasir Ris, anyone going there??
Hopelfully we can meet up next year hor.

it;s me ah! [nada]

2009年11月19日星期四 @ 09:13

i love 6commitment! We rulezxz! Class outing okays? Next week, At Escape! Woot!
hehs, erm, nothing liao la.

2009年11月18日星期三 @ 23:03

Do it well

okay , today is our grad nite , let's all do well for it okay ? i know we can ^^ we are 6^c1.1 rith ?
after celebration or wadever . we will be going mac or go somewhere else to hang out together again (: do inform your parents about it [: hais ! i'm gonna miss everyone and tonite ii will be taking photo of you guys and hug you guys soo dun be shy okay ? hahas :D take a good rest (: see you guys later ^^ see ya ~~~

Christabelle ; Huang Wen ah ~~

2009年11月16日星期一 @ 00:09

Okay today afterschool-pratice sucked :( ......

But in school hours pratice was fun!!!!!

LOL!!!! Okay tomorrow outing is at 11 o clock and we meet at jiamao's playground there :D ...

If u dunno where it is.. we meet at 10.30 macdonald first :D ??????

-Mingjie ah !

2009年11月15日星期日 @ 02:29

I Will Remember You ; ♥

Time is runnig out .
I never thought I would feel sad to leave the school .
I used to wish that time could go faster so , I can go to secondary school but now , things have changed .
At the very last moment , when time is drawing close to the very day .
I feel like I am going to another planet , far away from my love ones .
I can't help it but remember the sweet smiles .
The way we irritate the teachers .
The way we help one another and tease at each other .
I can't help but cry when I think what it'll be like next year .
Different friends , different teachers .
It won't be the same again .
Like , Mr Lao said , " Maybe you won't see your friends anymore ."
I don't want that to happen .
I love all of you .
We're like sisters and brothers .
I don't want leave .
I don't want to lose you .
You made me who I am today .
Together , we're perfect but alone , we have flaws .
I will miss my dear Nada , lol .
Cheer up okayy ?
Enough of the cries .
I had enough of crying but I just can't accept the fact that we're separating .
We stand up for each other .
We share secrets and all .
Six years have past , I will remember it all .
Happy and sad , we've been through .
My tears , my steps , my laughters , you've been through it .
I wanna hug all of you , lol .
Byebye (:
Take cares and I love you ,
Keep in touch (:

By : Nadhirah♥ {That's the end of us}

@ 02:01

Wah!! So nice de the blog. Hahs!
Hhaha, LOOking forward for tomorrow!
Two days left togethe rlehs, Let's cherish it kays?
I'll remember 6^Commitment forever and always!!
Dont break apart kays??
Let's meet sometimes during the holidays,
go see movie, or eat at Mcdonalds,
or whatever crap that we can come up with.

2009年11月14日星期六 @ 22:12

guys, we are friends forever, now, then, forever.

I am looking forward to tomorrow's performance rehearsal,
so fun, I am so proud to see us all working so hard to make mrs fong happy.

every moment, all of you bombarded my mind,
I kept thinking about all the happy times spent.
and now, left with two days,
let's make the most out of them!


@ 18:58

Helllo It's Me Ahh :DD
Hmmmm we are now left with..... 2 days ? T.T
So sad....The thought of it makes me feel so down lor....
Bye Im bored )>^_^)>

-Ming jie ah

2009年11月13日星期五 @ 18:30

Times gone by, minutes ticked by, and it's time to say byebye.

Class, remember those times we spent together?
All the bitter sweet memories will forever be deeply etched in my heart.
I truly treasure and love all of you,
From a naive p1 to the p6s we are now,

I am so proud of us all, we've been through storm, sun, rain or shine,
and every single one of us has emerged as a very successful eastviewan.
Let's not bear grudges against one another, let's forgive,

But dont forget, because our memories are priceless.

Graduation night is coming nearer and nearer,
let's boomz that night, shall we?
And make our tachers proud.


This tuesday outing?
LOL, any suggestions, or you all prefer just hanging around?
Let's confirm on moday.


@ 18:11


Heys! :D Yuqi here to blogblogblog!

I guess a few of us will be going to Dunman's open house today..
Hehs, so far i know only, :

Bibi/Arina haven't wake up yet. i'll ring up my Crystal/jezebel!
hehs! Cant wait to meet them all. Hehs! ^.^

About the outing..
Hmmm, i guess somewhere in tamp. would be good.
Maybe.. somewhere air-conditioned! :P hahs,
no la. I also dont know where. please give more suggestions.
thanks, love!

-hehs! ^.^ Yuqi ahs.

@ 04:04

Hello everyone. :D
3rd to post, hehehe.
Tuesday, 17 November we planning to have a class gathering. :D
The time not confirmed yet.
2 days after, we graduating already.
Keep in contact uhs^^

Arina( Jessica ).

@ 03:54

Muhahahahah today some of 6^ corridor ppl had fun ^__^

Me , Chun wee , Wen jie , Jiamao , Haresh ,In Young , Sheng ann , Syukri and faizudeen

Huang Wen

Ahh and also NADA !

All of the names above were in the mini - outing xD
We praticed our dance and songs haha we so good leh :D

This Tuesday we are going out again! So anyone coming ??? :D :D ?
And any suggestion to go anywhere ? I think we go playground and play haha ok msn me if got any suggestion

- Ming jie ah

@ 03:46


Please post or tag, thankyou!

dont know what to write about though. This blog is opened to public, so mind your words here.
Anyways, will miss you guys once you leave this school!

hehs!^.^ Dont cry uhs.
Oh yah, make best of our performance on Grad Nite!
Must BOOOOMZ the other classes cos

Are we the best?!

Of course! :D


Are we the best?!
Of course!

We're the notorious 6^commitment,
our name has been travelling around from the HOD to the office.
So loud, that you can hear the vibration in your ears.
But, through everything, we stood together
All our memories are priceless.


Form teacher: Mrs Fong Wee Miang.
Math teacher: Ms Mah Fong Wah.
Science teacher: Mr Khalid.

-Bee ting
-Huang Wen
-Su Hyun
-Fang Ting
-Yuin hsein
-Chun Wee
-Jia Mao
-Sheng An
-Wen Jie
-Meng Jie
-Wei Qing
-Xie Chao
-Wei Jie
-In Young
-Jun Ho
-Ho Yin

OU! i feel good.
i'm not your music teacher, you dont sing to me!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Tag! Dont shout! I think shouting is very rude.
i dont even shout to animals!

ShoutMix chat widget

No class will want you. you go be 6^corridor,

YiQi ahs,
Huang wen ahs,
mingjie ahs!

十一月 2009
十二月 2009
一月 2010
三月 2010

It's all thanks to you
Don't remove the credits, please. :D
Designer for skin: Yi-Qi ahs!
Edittor for contents: & Huang wen ah ! ~
Image: brightblinds@lj